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Neil England





Before working on Bungaroosh, there is a need to understand how it was originally made and why!

Construction  Bungaroosh is made principally of lime, gravel, coarse sands and flints, often with some brick snaps/fragments or other deck rubble added. The combination forms a type of wall, of reinforced lime concrete.Bungaroosh offered an easy and proven way to create a wall that was strong, durable, cheap and was usually designed to be rendered. In Brighton and Hove, it was mainly used for garden walls and the party or rear walls of terraced houses, although it is also found as the infill in front elevations between the sill and head panels of windows.

A very short history  Lime rubble concrete has been around for thousands of years. The Romans used it (along with a lot of volcanic graded ash and nodules*) to form the massive walls and domed roof of the Pantheon, which is still the largest unsupported lime concrete structure in the world.It became an important building material during the 19th  century building boom in Brighton and Hove because it was less expensive and helped to keep brick taxes down.* A subject needing its own paper.

Why build in this stuff? To best answer this, you have to put yourself in the time of their constructions from before when I can guess, up to the mid-1800s. Horses and carts were prevalent, and materials were taken from the closest and cheapest source.Busted, underfired, and bent bricks from the local clamp firing of the day were cheap. Flints from the fields of the Chalk Downs (farmers glad to see the back of them) were also very cheap. Created rubble and dust with dropped lime mortar cost virtually nothing.

The Photos. These are all good examples but my booklet has a lot more if your keen!

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